Boot hiren
Boot hiren

boot hiren

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boot hiren

In this example we will be using Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 but other versions will work, like Hiren’s BootCD PE 圆4. Let’s get to it!…ġ: Get a copy of Hiren’s Boot CD. To get more info, check our guide “3 Ways To Check if Your HD Partition Scheme is MBR or GPT”. If it’s GPT, you’re gonna have to use the 圆4 version. If it’s MBR, you can use any version of Hiren’s. This will usually give you a good starting point. Find out which partition scheme it is using. The easiest way to approach this is to check the drive that holds your Windows installation. If you have a UEFI configuration, you’ll need to use Hiren’s BootCD PE 圆4 version, which is compatible with BIOS AND UEFI configurations. The version we are using in this guide, (Hiren’s BootCD 15.2) and all earlier versions are compatible with BIOS configurations only. Keep in mind that you need to use a version of Hiren’s that is compatible with your system’s motherboard boot configuration.

Boot hiren